Bio / Artist statement



Olivia is a distinguished Franco-Italian abstract painter whose artistic journey commenced in her childhood. Immersed in a vibrant community of passionate artists, she explored a diverse array of techniques, from pyrography to silk painting and enamel work, which was fired in an old tile factory near her home. Although she experimented with many mediums, pottery remained uncharted territory—a craft she eagerly wishes to pursue. Her initial foray into drawing and painting began around the age of ten, inspired by a neighbor with whom she painted regularly.

Following a hiatus from art, Olivia's life took a significant turn in 2003 when she joined the French Army, where she met her husband. The couple quickly started a family and eventually relocated from France to Canada with their three children and two dogs. In 2018, during her pregnancy with their fourth child, Olivia rekindled her passion for drawing and painting. Since then, she has pursued her art with unwavering dedication.

Olivia's creative process is deeply intuitive, allowing each piece to evolve organically. She selects her color palette with care, often favoring natural tones accentuated by vibrant colors to infuse dynamism into her work. In addition to choosing colors carefully, she emphasizes texture in her paintings, aiming to evoke a tactile response and trigger the desire to touch the artwork. She primarily employs acrylics, charcoal, spray paint, and oil pastels, occasionally finishing pieces with oil paint for added depth.

Her work frequently features geometric shapes, although she enjoys exploring various styles. Olivia believes that the meaning of art is highly personal and prefers not to disclose her interpretations, allowing viewers to connect with and internalize the artwork through their unique perceptions.
Despite receiving invitations from gallerie for shows in Paris and Monaco, circumstances have occasionally prevented her participation.
However, Olivia remains committed to collaborating with galleries in the near future to further share her artistic vision